Thursday, July 28, 2011

07/28/11 Thoughts of the Day

Day 9, Lake Merced

Thursday, day 9, we went to Lake Merced. We helped them rip out weeds in the park around the lake, so the native plants that they were growing, could grow. It was fun tearing out the weeds and see the pile grow bigger and bigger every time you look at it. I loved knowing that I was making a difference in this park, and how little the action to make that difference. It felt good to see the park covered in green weeds before we got down on our hands and knees with our tools, and when left, seeing a park of native plants and wood chips. I loved going to Lake Merced.


Izzy’s thoughts on Lake Merced

Today we went to Lake Merced. And we did restoration work at the picnic area near the boathouse. First we weeded, then we covered the area with fresh woodchips. We worked with pitchforks to spread out the mulch. We worked with the Parks and Recs gardener , Steve, and his truck. We would fill it and then he would drive it to dump the bark mulch to a new area.
I saw fellowship when people were working together to shovel loads of mulch onto the back of the truck and to spread it on new areas. I saw ecology when I was learning about the different blackbirds and their markings from Steve. I think a male redwing blackbird has red on it wings. The common black bird males have yellow eyes and the females have brown. I saw action when people worked really hard to fill the back of the truck and spread the mulch so that visitors could enjoy the park. I saw leadership when Steve told us what we were going to do. And everyone did a good job doing it. It was a fun day, but hard…I was glad when lunch came and we were done because I was tired.


At Lake Merced,
I learned lots and I loved it.


At Lake Merced,
We worked a lot and really hard and although it was really annoying that Ella was trying to get a picture of me, I had a really great time.


I thought it was fun and I learned a lot on how weeds can be really threatening to native plants and flowers.


It was fun cleaning up and driving in the car.


At Lake Merced,
I loved knowing that I was helping the plants. It was really fun pulling out so many weeds while doing a service to the community.


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Cataract Falls Invertebrate Sampling and Water Quality Testing

Steep Ravine trail

Steep Ravine is a beautiful haven for many wonderous animals and plants such as oaks, moss covered bay trees, and dougluas fers. Also there are newts, water spiders, and a variety of birds.
As well as sights there were also sounds. When we stopped by a bridge we mapped the sounds around us.
